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First Visit

Your First Visit

Please read over this information before your first visit with us!

When you come to Painless Living, you are taking your first step towards a life without pain. Many people who have lived with chronic pain for a long period of time may not even remember life without it. We will stop the pain and give you back the ability to enjoy life without the burden of chronic pain. We want you to be you, and not your pain condition.

First, Some Forms

Before your first visit to our office, you will need to download, print, and fill out these forms. This will help Dr. Cassaro begin the evaluation process and get a better idea about your unique pain condition. Additionally, Dr. Cassaro will be better informed when it comes to providing effective treatments as of your first visit.

If you need assistance filling out these forms, please call our office or use the contact form on our website. We are always happy to help.



  • You will receive a thorough initial evaluation including review of previous test results and x-rays.
  • New patient visits are scheduled for 45 minutes in person with the physician.
  • Your appointment time will not be “double booked” with another patient.
  • A complete report will be prepared and sent to whomever you designate.
  • If it is determined that evaluation and treatment of your pain problem falls within the limitations of this practice, you will receive a plan for further evaluation and treatment.
  • Subsequent evaluations will be scheduled for 15 minutes in person with the physician.
  • Dr. Cassaro will be on time for all evaluations unless another patient has taken some of your time
  • from you. In that case, your time will be extended into the next patient’s time.
  • Dr. Cassaro will fill out forms, write letters or prepare reports as requested. If additional testing is required, those tests will be ordered or discussed with you.




  • Please arrive on time.
  • Please bring previous x-rays, CT scans, MRIs, nerve test results, and laboratory test results with you on your initial evaluation. Most chronic pain patients have already seen many other physicians. If any of those previous physicians had figured everything out, you would not need another evaluation. Get the most out of this evaluation.
  • Please bring any medical records that might be pertinent to your problem.
  • Please bring complete, accurate, current information about all prescription medicines, over the counter medicines, vitamins, nutritional supplements and other remedies that you currently take or have taken in the past. It is best to prepare a written list including dose, frequency and dates.
  • If you come to your initial evaluation without necessary information, x-rays or other test results, it may be necessary to schedule you for a second “initial” evaluation. Be advised, insurance will not pay for a second initial evaluation. You will be on your own. Please use the time awaiting your initial evaluation to gather up all pertinent information. Have it all with you when you arrive.
  • You must have a primary care physician.
  • There is a fee for filling out forms, writing letters or preparing reports. Fees are based upon the time actually spent. Insurance does not usually cover any of these fees.


Practice Limitations


  • To patients able to be evaluated in an outpatient, office setting;
  • To the diagnosis of chronic pain problems;
  • To invasive treatment of chronic pain problems;
  • To neuroendocrine modulation.
  • Once invasive treatments are completed, or a long-term neuroendocrine regimen is established, you will be sent back to your primary care physician for continuation of care. For patients not falling within the scope of practice, a list of other pain management physicians in the area will be provided along with referral to your primary care physician.


Our Office:


  • In-depth Patient Evaluation
  • On-site Surgical Center
  • Welcoming & Experienced Staff
  • Alternative & Complementary Therapies
  • Comprehensive Nerve Testing

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